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In my first book, Life on the Deep End: Living with Chronic Illness, I include the story of how, in March of 1987, as a wife and a mother of two preschool daughters, I awoke one morning to find that my life had been changed forever.  I had developed symptoms of a type of inflammatory arthritis that was first diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. That diagnosis changed in time to Behcet’s disease, a rare type of autoimmune disease that sometimes includes symptoms similar to rheumatoid arthritis.  


The first part of this book is a memoire, chronicling how my primary diagnosis manifested overlap conditions and altered my ability to function in daily living. It reveals how I overcame my grief and frustration by developing new goals and support systems, and by placing my trust in a God that gives us strength in our weakest moments.  The second part of the book is a self-help manual addressing many parts of the healing process: physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual. It provides information from a variety of academic sources and from my personal experience as a counselor and support-group leader for chronic illness. 


Life on the Deep End explains how God helped me redirect my life and carve out a new career for myself, while at the same time helping others who were hurting. For more information on how to get your copy of this book, visit

Deborah K Steen
Life on the Deep End

My Story

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